Why Should I Hire a Lawyer After a Car Wreck?

After a wreck there are many things that you need to focus on. The first is your health. It is important that if needed you get the proper medical attention. What you should not need to focus on is bad faith insurance practices and the games that most insurance companies play. 

A car wreck has two main components a property damage claim and a personal injury claim. It is our law firm’s role to help our clients navigate these claims and make sure they are fully and fairly compensated for both. 

 Property Damage. 

 In Texas, when someone damages your vehicle it is their insurance’s responsibility to repair it. Your vehicle will either need repairs or will be declared a total loss. If repairs are needed our staff will help you locate a facility for repairs and set up a rental vehicle while repairs are being made. If the vehicle is declared a total loss our staff will make sure that you get fair compensation for the value of the vehicle. 

 In addition to repairs, you are entitled to the diminished value of your vehicle. Many people, especially those who do not hire an attorney, do not realize that their vehicle after a car wreck has a lesser value. Our firm will dedicate the time and effort to make sure that you are also fairly compensated for this.  

 Personal Injury.

 Insurance companies many times try to minimize injuries after a car wreck. They use language such as “minor” and “small” to set a specific tone. It is important for them to minimize your injuries because they are now responsible for the mess that their insured created. 

Whether you have injuries that require surgery or injuries that require physical therapy, the common factor will always be pain. Do not allow an insurance company to tell you that based on your car wreck you should not be feeling pain. Pain is our body’s way of letting us know that something is wrong. Our attorneys will make sure that insurance companies are not allowed to minimize any of your injuries and avoid paying for your medical needs. 

We are here to help

As personal injury attorneys, we have handled many cases involving injuries suffered at the hands of unsafe drivers. These types of cases require experienced lawyers—call us now at 281.339.7349 to see how we can help.


I was Sold Full (False) Coverage