We want you to get the representation you deserve.

Transforming how law firms operate.

We aren’t just a law firm—we are individuals that have been in the exact same situations as our clients. Dealing with insurance, doctors, and pain is only part of the story—what about figuring out all the day to day stuff? Because we’ve been there, we are able to assist our clients navigating the medical world, getting transportation, and transferring the burden of dealing with insurance companies, but also managing expectations from family members, coaching you through the process, and more. We help in anyway that we can.


A modern approach

It’s essential for us that our clients get personalized representation that meets you where you are. Rather than do things the typical way, we’ve created a system designed around our clients’ needs.

Our rates


All Contingency Practice


We don’t charge hourly or require a retainer. Our initial consultation is 100% free and when you choose to bring us on your case, we only get a fee when we recover on your case. Any case expense are fronted by our firm and we never send a bill if there is no recovery.

Get started with us, today.